Previous Prizewinners

Previous Winners of the Fritz Kutter Award

Kazuhiro Morimoto, Dissertation, EPFL, "Megapixel Cameras for Time-Resolved Applications" ,
Nina Wiedemann, ETH Zurich, Master Thesis, "Algorithmic Approaches for Optimizing Linear Infrastructure Planning"

Celestine Mendler-Dünner, Dissertation, ETH Zurich, "System-Aware Algorithms For Machine Learning"
Lucy Linder, Master Thesis, University of Applied Sciences Fribourg,"Using a Quantum Annealer for particle tracking at LHC"

Manuel Le Gallo, Dissertation, ETH Zurich, "Phase-Change Memory: Device Physics and Application to non-von Neumann Computing"
Stanislaw Wozniak, Dissertation, EPF Lausanne,"Unsupervised Learning of Phase-Change-Based Neuromorphic Systems"

Thijs Vogels, Master Thesis, ETH Zurich & Disney Research Zurich, "Kernel-Predicting Convolutional Neural Networks for Denoising Monte-Carlo Renderings"
Ralph Gasser, Master Thesis, University of Basel,"Towards an All-Purpose, Content-Based Multimedia Information Retrieval System"

Zan Li, Dissertation, University of Bern, "Fine-grained indoor positioning and tracking systems"
Timo Horstschäfer, Master Thesis, University of Zurich,"Parallel Tracking Depth Estimation and Image Reconstruction with an Event Camera"

Sofien Bouaziz, Dissertation, EPF Lausanne, "Realtime Face Tracking and Animation"
Tanja Kaeser Jacober, Dissertation, ETH Zurich,"Modeling and Optimizing Computer-Assisted Mathematics Learning in Children"

Basil Huber, Master Thesis, University of Zurich, "High Speed Pose Estimation using a Dynamic Vision Sensor "

Albrecht Lindner, Dissertation, EPF Lausanne, "Semantic Awareness for Automatic Image Interpretation "

Feng Yang, Dissertation, EPF Lausanne, "Bits from Photons: Oversampled Binary Image Acquisition"

Alessandra Gorla, Dissertation, University of Lugano, "Automatic Workarounds: Exploiting the Intrinsic Redundancy of Software Systems"
Sukriti Ramesh, Master Thesis, ETH Zürich, "CrowdDB - Answering Queries with Crowdsourcing"

Reto Gantenbein, Masterarbeit, University of Bern, "Virtualmesh: An Emulation Framework for Wireless Mesh Networks in OMNET++"
René Müller, Dissertation, ETH Zürich, "Data Stream Processing on Embedded Devices"

Babara Solenthaler, Dissertation, University of Zurich, "Incompressible Fluid Simulation and Advanced Surface Handling with SPH"

Noe Lutz, Masterarbeit, ETH Zürich, "Towards Revealing Attackers' Intent by Automatically Decrypting Network Traffic"
Ivana Jovanovic, Dissertation, EPF Lausanne, "Inverse Problems in Acoustic Tomography"

Dominique Guinard, Masters Thesis, University of Fribourg, RelateGateways: An Architecture to Enable Spontaneous Mobile Spatial Interaction with Pervasive Services( See article of the University of Fribourg and press release.)

Jörg Wagner, Semesterarbeit, ETH Zürich, "Analysis of Dynamics in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks"
Michael Rohs, Dissertation, ETH Zürich, "Linking Physical and Virtual Worlds with Visual Markers and Handheld Devices"

Christoph Göldi and Roman Hiestand, Masters Thesis, ETH Zurich, Scan Detection Based Identification of Worm-Infected Hosts, Summary

Jonas Trindler and Raphael Zwiker, Diplomarbeit, HSR Rapperswil/Uni Zurich/ETH Zurich, Adaptive Building Intelligence, Summary

Ibrahim Khalil, Dissertation, University of Berne, Dynamic Service Provisioning in IP Networks

no prize awarded

Roger Weber, Dissertation, ETH Zürich, "Similarity Search in High-Dimensional Vector Spaces"
Martin Gantenbein, Diplomarbeit, ETH Zürich, "The Train Length Problem"
( See article in Zurich Newspaper "20 mins", 29 November 2001)

Raimond Reichert, Diplomarbeit, ETH Zürich, "Ein spielerischer Einsteig ins Programmieren: Kara, der programmierbare Marienkäfer" Fabrizio Smeraldi, Dissertation, EPF Lausanne, "Attention-driven Pattern Recognition"

Andreas Myka, Uni Tübingen, Germany
Yuen-Hsien Tseng, Fu Jen Catholic Uni, Taiwan
both on the theme "Automatic Cataloguing and Searching"

Guido Kaufmann, Uni Bern, "Erkennung von Handschrift mittels Hidden Markov Modellen"
Dirk Jonscher, Uni Zürich, "Access Control in Object-Oriented Federated Database Systems"

Matthias Zimmermann, Uni Bern, "Maschinelle Erkennung handgeschriebener Zahlen"
Martin Braschler, ETH Zürich, "Experimente mit sprachübergreifender Informationssuche"

Stefan Wengi, ETH Zürich, "Eine Benutzerverwaltung für RDFS"
Thomas Sprenger, ETH Zürich, "Software- und Hardwareimplementation der IrDA-Protokollstack"

Berthe Choueiry, ETH Lausanne, "Abstraction Methods for Resource Allocation"
Gerard Milmeister, ETH Zürich, "Functional Kernel with Modules"

Ruggero Milanese, Uni Genf, "Detecting Salient Regions in an Image: From Biological Evidence to Computer Implementation"
Martin Wechsler, ETH Zürich,"Ermittlung der Retrieval-Effektivität eines Speech Retrieval Systems"
Prem Kuma Kalra, Uni Genf, "An Interactive Multimodal Facial Animation System"
Markus Roth, Uni Bern, "Off-line Erkennung kursiver Handschrift mit Markov-Modellen"

Alex Birrer, ETH Zürich, "Entwurf eines Datenmodells fü die Verwaltung und Analyse von Bienengesundheitsdaten"

Ambros Marzetta, ETH Zürich, "Hochleistungs-Transportprotokoll für transaktionsorientierte Anwendungen"
Rene W. Keller, ETH Zürich, "Entwicklung einer Retrieval-Komponente für ein Speech Retrieval System"
Thoma Meier, Uni Freiburg, "Grundlagen für den Aufbau und die Entwicklung eine Information Retrieval Systems"